Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pruning Clinic

This past week we hosted a pruning clinic in the orchard, led by University of Maine Cooperative Extension Educator, Dr. Richard Brzozowski.  Staff and students from the Falmouth schools, and a couple parents, participated in the hands-on lesson.  We received an initial overview from Dr. Brzozowski about the reasons for pruning, when to prune, and tools and methods used.  Then we set out to tackle the fruit trees, which include apple, pear, cherry, and peach.

Late winter/early spring, while the trees are still dormant, is the best time to our timing was just right.  Pruning wounds will be able to heal faster when the tree is beginning to grow for the season.  Attention to pruning affects both the tree's productivity and longevity.  Of course, any time there's diseased, dead, or dying wood, it should and can be removed.

We also got a mini lesson on pruning high bush blueberries.  We'll be finishing up this job in the coming weeks.

Dr. B stated that interested parties should view the material on pruning that is available on the University of Maine Cooperative Extension website.  The Extension also has a free, monthly electronic  newsletter for home gardeners called "Maine Home Garden News."  Here's the link for subscribing: